
3 types of money

3 Types of Money: 0ne Time Money, Temporary Money, and Forever Money – The Best of the Best Shows

There are many ways to make money in real estate.  My guest is Mitch Stephen the topic today is money. Specifically, we are going to talk about 3 types of money: One-time money temporary money, and forever money

There is definitely a place for all of these 3 types of money when it comes to building a profitable real estate investing business.



As a real estate investor, understanding how money works and using those principles in your business will make you rich.


Show Notes

Here is just a sample of what we talked about in this show:

  • How Mitch got started: building an empire
  • The turning point that changed everything
  • Breaking down the 3 types of money:  one-time money, temporary money, and forever money.
  • Advice on where a new investor should start
  • The profile of Mitch’s perfect student
  • The thing that successful students have in common
  • Why you really can’t get everything “free” on the internet.
  • Why you should invest money in your education (and why Mitch still does)
  • His final advice for building a successful investing business


Here's Another Show I think You Will Enjoy

Strategies for Closing Off-Market Deals – Where Do You Get the Money?

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About Mitch

Mitch StephenMitch Stephen has been a self-employed real estate investor for 20+ years. His real estate investing career started at the age of 23 when he read “Nothing Down” by Robert Allen.

Mitch, together with his wife Tommi and his daughter, Shannon purchased their fair share of local houses. Their company, Independence Day, Inc., has bought and sold over 1,500 properties in and about San Antonio, TX since 1996. This company specializes in buying distressed properties with OPM (other people's money) and selling those properties with owner financing. Mitch is also the author of several books.  You can check out all of his books by CLICKING HERE.

You can reach out to Mitch at Mitch@1000Houses.com. Be sure to check out his podcast here at RE Investor Summit.


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This blog which was originally published in 2018, has been updated.






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