



There are some things that everyone should do in their business prior to the start of the new-year. But if you’re like most people, those things don’t always get done until the first of January.  We either get caught up in the holidays, or we are still trying to finish off that big to do list before January 1.  I can promise you that if you will make it a practice to take a little time to complete these 7 simple steps, you can hit the ground running on this month.


It’s Clean Slate Time

1. Organize your workspace. 

Take everything off your desk that you don’t use every day (or most days). Those things don’t need to be on your desk. Having a clean organized desk will make you more productive.

2. Clean out your files.

Purge last year’s bills, receipts, and all of the paperwork from the previous year.  I put everything into a lateral file in my office for one year. After that, I box everything up and put it in storage.

3. Transfer important dates and reminders to your new calendar.

You know that dentist appointment you made in the fall that you have in the spring? Put that on your calendar now. I also transfer any dates I already have scheduled in the new-year no matter how far off they are.  I will need to adjust my marketing for times when I might be away from the office.

4. Clean up your incompletes. 

Look at all the things that are still on to do list and your goals for last year that didn’t get done.

-Do you really still need to keep those things on the list?

-Has your business gone in a different direction than you originally planned?

Maybe some of those things no longer serve you or your business. Just take them off the list.

5. Make sure you have nailed down your goals.

If you haven’t taken the time to get your goals for this year down on paper (yes you have to write them down), you need to do it now. You might feel like you don’t have time to really do a good job. But here’s the thing; getting something – anything down on paper is better than that blank sheet of paper you have laying on your desk staring you in the face. Make this year exceptional!

6. Get a marketing plan up on the calendar for at least the next 90 days.

If you create content such as for a blog, decide on some topics for your content.  If you can’t face doing that for 90 days, just plan out 30 days. The goal is to stay ahead of the curve.


7. Just do it.

Pick one or two things that you have put off doing. This might things you have been dreading; things that you keep pushing to the bottom of your list and just do them. Start this year off without last year’s baggage.


If you haven’t already subscribed to the “Inner Circle”, be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.

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