
buying and managing long distance rental property


Tips for Buying and Managing Long Distance Rental Property with Billy Keels

Buying and managing long-distance rental property has always been challenging for most investors. Typically, when we think of long-distance rental property, we are thinking about the property located in another state.  My guest today, Billy Keels, has taken that one step further.  Billy lives in Barcelona, Spain but he invests in the US in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio, and several other areas.

In spite of the geographic distance between him and his rental property, he has found a way not only to make it work but to build a successful and profitable business at the same time. His rental portfolio continues to grow as he teaches others how to achieve the same success he has attained.


Show Notes

If you’ve ever thought about moving into another market, you’re going to find this show fascinating.  Here is just some of what you’ll learn today:

  • Billy’s path to figuring out that his high-paying corporate job and the investing strategies he was utilizing at that time wouldn’t be enough to secure his future.
  • Buying his first property when he was on vacation in Egypt. What he did right, and what he could do differently the next time.
  • The reason he ultimately decided to invest in the US instead of in his own backyard (Here’s a clue: it’s always about the numbers).
  • Billy’s original investing strategy and how that has evolved over the years.
  • How to use data to learn about new areas to invest in when you are thousands of miles away.
  • Building an amazing team that helps build his business year after year.
  • Why building a team must include developing a long-term relationship with your team members.
  • Systems and processes
  • His advice for anyone that would like to invest in an area they don’t live in.


Learn More About Billy Here

Here are some ways you can reach out to Billy in addition to social media:

And while you’re there, check episode #107 I had the pleasure of doing with Billy where we talk about marketing, branding, and probatesJust Click Here to listen.


Here's Your Video  – Tips for Buying and Managing Long Distance Rental Property with Billy Keels

Rather watch? You can do that here.



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