Do You Ever Wish Marketing was Easier? Learn to Tell Your Compelling Story and it Will Be! – The Best of the Best Shows Do you ever wish marketing was easier? Could it be that you're making it harder than it actually is? Probably so. I know I did at...
How Branding, Your Reputation, and Success Go Hand in Hand – The Best of the Best Show Lately, I’ve been thinking about how branding, your reputation, and success go hand in hand. This is what I know for sure: Marketing is how you get leads and...
My guest today is Jaime Masters of the Eventual Millionaire. I'm really excited to talk with her about how to build systems and a team to grow your business rapidly and get your life back. I can't believe it has been 7 years since our last interview. Jaime is the CEO...
Here's the big question I want to ask you today. Do you have a real business or have you just created a job for yourself? For most real estate investors, the answer is that they have just created a job for themselves. We like to think of ourselves as...
I have a great show for you today. My guest is Lyndsay Phillips from Smart Sailing Business Growth. Today we’re going to dive into using social media to grow your REI business. Have you ever found yourself hopping on Facebook to post something that will build your...
Why is it so hard to ask for testimonials? I have been trying to figure this out for some time now. Whether you are in real estate or any other business for that matter, it’s pretty easy to figure out if you’re doing a good job. When you have happy...