
Building Systems and Your Team

My guest today is Jaime Masters of the Eventual Millionaire. I'm really excited to talk with her about how to build systems and a team to grow your business rapidly and get your life back. I can't believe it has been 7 years since our last interview.

Jaime is the CEO of Eventual Millionaire, and she has interviewed hundreds of self-made millionaires to find out exactly how they got where they are. She is a real superstar when it comes to showing people how to build systems and teams that will skyrocket their growth.

Jaime specializes in creating automated systems and doubling her client's revenue. (Who doesn't want to double their income, right?)

She also has 3 awesome freebies for you which she will tell you about in the show. You can find the link to those at the bottom of the show notes.


Show Notes

Here are just a few of the things you're going to learn in today's show:

  • How to go from solopreneur to real business owner
  • Which comes first? Building systems or building a team?
  • What the main things are that an investor should focus on to get their business solidly into 6 figures and beyond
  • What the first things are you should outsource in your business
  • How to quit being the “bottleneck” in your business
  • The traits that are common among all self-made millionaires


Here's Your Video – How to Build Systems and Your Team with Jamie Masters

Rather watch? You can do that here.


Rather Listen? Here's Your Podcast


Jamie has 3 free gifts for you today that you're going to want to get.

You can get them BY CLICKING HERE:


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Thanks again for joining me this week. I’ll see you next time!


About Jaime

Building systems and a team

As CEO of Eventual Millionaire, a business mentoring company, Jaime Masters specializes in creating automated systems and doubling her client’s revenue. Jaime works with online and offline entrepreneurs for masterminds, group and 1 on 1 private coaching to level up your business.

She’s the author of Eventual Millionaire and is a top business coach who is known for getting rock solid results. Over the past 10 years she has taught 6 and 7 figure CEO’s, entrepreneurs and small business owners how to optimize every area of their business. Jaime genuinely cares about helping others and loves watching her clients’ businesses grow!

Jaime is also the producer ad host of her own online show and has conducted over 400 interviews with millionaires and billionaires. She has been featured in Yahoo online, Inc.com, Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, Women’s Health Magazine and Business Insider.

Jaime loves all things business ad geeky. She’s a Momma of two amazing kiddos that are already making money in business as stilt walkers and contortionists.  (Super cool right?)


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

Have you gotten your freebies and subscribed to the blog? If not be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!

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