
invest in probates

Today I want to talk about why today is the perfect time to invest in probates, and why you should ramp up your marketing. Most of you know that I specialize in the niche of probates as well as marketing and branding. I want you to get great results from the time and money you spend on marketing.


The Way Things are Today

What I’m finding is that investors have stopped working probates altogether. They have shut down their marketing campaigns. Today I want to put an end to all those stories you’re telling yourself about why you should wait; why now is a bad time to be working in the niche of probates, when it’s actually a good time. I also want you to know, that there are people out there ready to buy your deals.

If you’re a rehabber that’s been sitting on the fence, worried about selling your flip, the inventory is still really low in most areas so there are definitely buyers out there.  Now, if you still want to wait a bit to start another rehab and you come across a probate deal, wholesale the property. Trust me when I say that if you have a deal, there is a buyer waiting so it’s time to ramp up your marketing, and there is no better place to start than with probates.

Unlike a lot of other niches, now is actually the perfect time to invest in probates. Why is that? There happen to be a number of very good reasons, but here is the #1 reason.


Here's the Reason…

Probate is a niche where you will never run out of leads. For those of you that are worried about working in this niche while we are in the midst of Covid-19, you don’t need to be concerned about that, and here’s why.

At the time I’m recording this, the courts have been closed for over 3 months in most areas. In my area, they are just beginning to open up again. Which means, there is a huge backlog of probates due to the courts being closed. So, any probates coming up were ones where the person passed away many months ago before Covid-19 or possibly even a year ago.  In many cases, these personal representatives were ready to take the steps to open the probate when the courts suddenly shut down.

Remember that when the estate is opened that is a signal to you that they are ready to sell the property in the estate. A lot of these people have been waiting a long time to get the estate settled so they can move on with their life. This which means these folks will likely be very motivated sellers.


Why Now is the Perfect Time to Invest in Probates

There really is no wrong time to start investing in probates and here’s why.  It’s due to the natural cycle of life.

Babies are born every day, and people pass away every day. It’s just the way life works. There is no other niche in real estate where the actual cycle of life itself determines the number and the quality of your leads you can bring into your business while helping so many people. Remember that if a house is in probate, it must be sold.

What that means to real estate investors, is that right now; today; is the perfect time to position yourself to help these folks at what is undeniably a very difficult time in their life. That’s what probate investors do. They help people that find themselves with an unwanted sell that property move on with their lives. This may or may not be a distressed property. It’s likely that it will be a distressed property. However, in many cases, there is a totally different motivation that makes the seller look for a quick, hassle-free sale.

This my friend is really big. These executors and administrators have to deal with the “business” of settling the estate. This is a job for them. As real estate investors, we have the honor and the privilege of helping these folks with the sale of the property so they can get back to living their lives.  When I say that I love working with these folks I mean it. When I tell you how much these people appreciate our help, that’s the truth. They are so appreciative!


What’s Next?

I’ve put together a series of these articles and podcasts to help you understand why this really is the perfect time to invest in probates.  Next time I’ll have some tips for working with the personal representative in the estate (that is the executor or the administrator), and we’ll talk about the differences in those 2 terms.


Get my “Probate Investing Starter Kit”

I’ve just updated this FREEBIE, so be sure to download it today to use it as a resource.  You’ll find it immensely helpful in understanding the process.  You can get here at this link.  Just Click Here.


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