
Part-time Investing While Attending College Full Time with Claire Heeb - Podcast #73Today's podcast is all about how one full time college student became a part-time investor.

Let me ask you this; what were you doing in your spare time when you were a college student? Hanging out with friends? Throwing back a couple of beers in the evening?

I’ll bet it’s probably wasn’t what my guest is doing in her spare time. She is a part-time investor that is building a business. She is also documenting her journey along the way.  More on that in just a bit.

That won't be the case for my guest today.  Claire Hebb is a 19 year old full time college student that is figuring it out one day at a time.  If she stays on track, this part-time investor will have built a real business by the time she graduates college.

Part-time investing while attending college full time is no easy feat. However Claire says that college students actually have a lot of time they could devote to building a business.  I think it’s simply a matter how important starting a business is to you, how you manage your time and just how laser focused you decide to be.  Make no mistake – all of those are decisions.

I’m sure you’re going to like this show.  Claire proves something I have always said; there really aren’t any barriers to being successful in this business. Age, gender and educational background just don’t matter.  Enjoy the show.


Show Notes

Here are some of the things we talked about in this show:

  • When part-time investor Claire first become interested in real estate
  • How she finds time for investing while being a full-time student
  • Why wholesaling was the obvious choice for her part-time investing business
  • How long it took Claire to do her first deal
  • The details of her first deal
  • Making rookie mistakes (we’ve all done that)
  • Marketing; learning the ropes
  • Marketing on a shoestring budget
  • Getting systems in place for next semester when she’s back in school
  • Investing in her real estate education
  • Claire’s advice for other people her (or any age) age that might be interested in getting into real estate


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Investor Diaries

part-time investorI mentioned above that Claire is documenting her journey as she invests while she's still a college student.

You can find those videos on her YouTube Channel “Investor Diaries”. 


Here's Another Article On Part-time Investing …

Here's another article about someone in my hometown that was a part-time investor for years.  Erik is now a full time real estate investor.   Success Stories in Real Estate Investor – Erik Hitzelberger Part Time REI



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