Creating Absentee Owner Letters That Get a Great Response

Creating Absentee Owner Letters That Get a Great Response

  Creating Absentee Owner Letters That Get A Great Response I have talked about direct mail for a long time now. One thing that is so important to understand about direct mail is that you have to set up campaigns to be successful with this strategy. Creating...
Tips for Consistently Boosting Your Direct Mail Response Rates

Tips for Consistently Boosting Your Direct Mail Response Rates

  Tips for Consistently Boosting Your Direct Mail Response Rates   No matter what type of marketing you’re doing in your real estate investing business, boosting their direct mail response rates is always one of the top concerns for real estate investors....
The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners

The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners

  The Benefits of Using Postcards for Marketing to Absentee Owners One of my most-read posts on the blog is called, “Creating Absentee Owner Letters that Get a Great Response”, and I will put a link to that blog post in the show notes.  Both letters and postcards...

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