
boosting your direct mail response rates


Tips for Consistently Boosting Your Direct Mail Response Rates


No matter what type of marketing you’re doing in your real estate investing business, boosting their direct mail response rates is always one of the top concerns for real estate investors. Today I want to talk about the things you should consider in your overall marketing strategy that will make a big difference in your results. But I also want to show you some statistics so that you can see firsthand how boosting your direct mail response rates happens with consistent marketing.


Show Notes

Here are some of the highlights in this show:

  • Marketing: the big picture
  • MLS or off-market? Which is the best lead source?
  • Exit strategies and why you need more than one
  • How your niches and your strategies influence your marketing decisions
  • Why your direct mail marketing machine will bring you a steady stream of leads year after year
  • Statistics: boosting your direct mail response rates
  • Why the 5th contact is where the magic begins
  • Follow up: one of the secrets to your success
  • Understanding how fast your competition throws in the towel, and how that benefits you.


Final Thoughts

If there is one lesson, I want you to take from this show, it is this: direct mail marketing is like the analogy of the hare and the tortoise.  In most cases, you don’t have to be first of the fastest.  You need to be consistent. Slow and steady wins every time.


Get the Full Statistics Here

If you would like to make a copy of these statistics, I will put a link here in the show notes to the blog post called, Numbers and Statistics Aren’t Always Sexy, but Great Results Are”.


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