
Setting Goals – Ask Yourself “Who Do I Need to Become”?

      You know what the topic is for the last two weeks of the year; setting goals.  These are the weeks that I really take time to reflect on the past year and begin setting goals for the new year. This year I want to challenge you to think of this...

Did You Nail Your 1st Quarter Goals?

  We’ve reached the end of the 1st quarter of 2015, and it’s time for a checkup.  How did you do?   Did you nail your 1st quarter goals?   I’ll bet those 12 weeks seem to have just flown by, and it will be the same for the next 12 weeks.  I need to ask you this;...

The Entrepreneurial Mindset with Trevor Mauch – Podcast Episode #43

Today is the first podcast in my brand new series on  “entrepreneurship” that I am doing with my friend and serial entrepreneur Trevor Mauch. Trevor is  the founder of Investor Carrot a company that creates real estate websites for investors.   (Everyone...

The One Thing

I  have read several great books this year, and today I wanted to tell you about what is sure to become one of my all-time favorites called “The One Thing”. One quality that makes entrepreneurs so successful is that they are visionaries.   This same trait...

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