The Only Woman in The Room Today I want to introduce you to a book called, “The Only Women in the Room.” I have felt like that many times over the last 25 years myself, and finally, someone has written a book about this. If you have ever felt lost, alone, or...
My guest today is Michelle Bosch. Michelle has focused on building a business through land and multifamily properties. She was an immigrant from Honduras, but she didn’t let that stand in her way. It did, however, have a big effect on the direction her business took...
My guest today is New Jersey real estate investor, Liz Faircloth. Liz and her husband Matt are full-time investors. They are experts in apartments, commercial properties, syndication and raising private money. Even though they have grown a large portfolio of...
I have another fantastic roundup post for you today called “Women and Real Estate Investing; Are they Uniquely Qualified for this Business”? That topic has been discussed for as long as I can remember. I believe that in many cases they do possess certain traits that...
Most people that have known me for any amount of time know that I am passionate about seeing more women become successful real estate investors. There are successful women in real estate investing, but in most cases women have traditionally viewed this field...