My guest today is Arizona short sales superstar and Realtor Tracy Royce. Tracy is an investor, a Realtor, a rehabber, and a foreclosure expert. She has a thriving real estate business, and she has helped a whole lot of people in tough situations in her area.
Like me, Tracy has seen the market change tremendously over the last few years. One of the biggest changes has to do with short sales which have pretty much dried up in many areas.
Sometimes I think real estate investors are like chameleons; when the market changes we need to be ready to change quickly with it and Tracy has been able to do that successfully.
Show Notes
This was a great show. Here are just a few of the things we talked about:
- How Tracy got started and what her business looks like today
- Learn while you earn; the benefits of getting your start by working for someone else
- Tracy’s primary investing strategies
- How the market has influenced her investing strategies
- Marketing for deals; adapting and doing what works in your market NOW
- Are short sales still happening today?
- Working with pre-foreclosures
- That first meeting with distressed sellers
- Short sales; the process
- The importance of being the “last person standing”
- Tracy’s advice for folks; nuggets of gold
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[podcast title=”Short Sales Superstar Tracy Royce”][/podcast]
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Tracy's Site
Be sure to stop by Tracy's Site Royce of Real Estate. You will find her blog there as well as additional information on the foreclosure process, short sales and so much more. You can do that by Clicking Here….
About Tracy
Tracy (G+) is an Arizona Short Sale Realtor, Investor, Rehabber, and Foreclosure Expert. She also is an avid blogger, vlogger, contributor to Real Estate Magazines, and hosts Real Estate Rescue, a show dedicated to the distressed property market.
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