
ringless voicemailToday I have 5 tips for using ringless voicemail for probate marketing. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve generally been against cold calling people that have a house in probate.  The exception to that rule would be that it’s OK to call them if they have called you after getting your direct mail letter. In that case, its’ fine to reach out to them at a future date. However, the key thing to remember is that they need to call you first.

This is a very sensitive time in their life and the last thing you want to do is upset them at what is almost certainly a very difficult time in their life.

Show Notes

Here are 5 things I talk about in this show: 

  • Should your first contact with the executors ever be by phone?
  • How ringless voicemail greatly increases your direct mail results.
  • When is it appropriate to call the personal representative?
  • How long should you wait after the estate is opened?
  • What should you say in your ringless voicemail?

As a bonus, I have a super short script you can use.


Here’s Your Script

“Hi. This is (your name) with (your company).  I’ve been keeping in touch with you over the past few months about the property in the estate located at…. I just wanted to reach out to you today to let you know that I’m still interested in buying the property when the time is right for you.  You can reach me by phone (your phone number), by email, or on my website her (URL).”


Final Thoughts

As you’ve learned in this show, there is a proper time and a proper way  to add ringless voicemail into your probate marketing strategy.  I would recommend giving it a 6 month try to get a good feel for how well it is working.  Remember that about 80% of your deals will come at or beyond the 5th mailing. Adding ringless voicemail at this time is actually the perfect time.

Give it a try and let me know how ringless voice mail works for you in your business.


Ready to Add Probate Investing to Your REI Toolbox?

Check out Probate Investing Simplified.  <——–


Here's Your Video – 5 Tips for Using Ringless Voicemail for Probate Marketing

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