

Real Estate TipsI have a brand new weekly series for you called “Real Estate Quick Tips”.  Feed your brain in 5 minutes or less with these tips from the experts where you can learn something new in 5 minutes or less.

Today my “Real Estate Quick Tip” comes from Mark Podolsky AKA “The Land Geek”.

Marks starts us off not with just one tip, but you get two quick tips.  The first one has to do with using automation programs and software to run and grow your business.

Mark's second tip has to do with land, but this is a resource everyone can use in real estate calledWhat3words.com. This is a great resource especially for a land investor.


Here's Your Real Estate Quick Tip

[podcast title=”Quick Tips”]https://louisvillegalsrealestateblog.com.s3.amazonaws.com/podcast/MarkPodolskyLetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge57.mp3[/podcast]



The land geekYou can find Mark at the TheLandgeek.com  Be sure to stop by and check out his awesome podcasts.  You will find a whole lot of information on creating passive income as well as investing in land.



If you're not already subscribed to the “Inner Circle”, be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.


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