
real estate investing

When you get a bunch of landlords in a room, hiring a property management company is often a hot topic. Some are for it, and some will have a million reasons for not hiring one.

My guest today is Linda Liberatore from Secure Pay One and we're going to talk about some of the advantages of turning that job over to a pro, and how hiring a property management company can actually make your life a whole lot easier.

Linda is a real estate investor in Chicago, she is the president of the Lake County Property Investors.


Trying to Do It All

It's tempting to try to do it all.  That's what so many entrepreneurs do. But, is it really the best thing for you or your business?   How would it feel to have someone take over the day to day management of your property?

Today you're going to hear all the reasons why you should consider hiring a property management company.


Show Notes

Here are a few of the things we talked about in this podcast.

  • How Linda got started in this business
  • About Secure Pay One
  • The services they offer
  • Why landlords should use a management company instead of managing their own properties
  • How using a management company can help you keep your sanity
  • What to look for when hiring a property management company
  • What makes them different than some other companies
  • How much does it cost?
  • Advice she has for landlords

You Can Listen to the Podcast Here

[podcast title=”Hiring a Property Managment Company with Linda Liberatorie”]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/Linda_Liberatorie__intro.mp3[/podcast]


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Linda Liberatore - Let's talk real estate investing

My thanks to Linda Liberatore for coming on the show.  She is just a wealth of information.

Linda is a real estate investor in Chicago, she is the president of the Lake County Property Investors, and she is a member of a number or other REIA’s in the Chicago area.  She is also an author, a trainer, and she is a member of a number or other REIA’s in the Chicago area.

You can reach out to Linda at Secure Pay One if you have any questions for her or would like to request any information about her services.


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