
Kathy Kennebrook - Sharon Vornholt

My guest for today's podcast Kathy Kennebroook the “Marketing Magic Lady”. I can't believe this is episode #26.

You might remember that Kathy was in the spotlight for my “Successful Women in Real Estate Investing” series a couple of weeks ago.  I am really happy to have her as my guest for today’s podcast.  The topic this week is of course marketing and how to create marketing magic for your real estate investing business.

Not only is Kathy is a mentor, a coach, and an author, but she is a marketing expert.  Along the way she has created a number of marketing products to help real estate investors find their own path to being a marketing superstar.


Show Notes

Those of you that follow me know that I am passionate about marketing.  We covered a whole lot of ground in this podcast so I have broken it into 2 parts.

Be sure to listen all the way to the end, because she has a special offer just for you.

Here is just a sample of what we covered:

  • Direct mail basics
  • Mail pieces; letters vs postcards
  • Whether she sends the same mail piece or mixes them up
  • How many pieces she typically mails each month and the frequency of her mailings
  • How many lists or types of sellers she is mailing at any one time
  • Her response rates and what type of response she says a new investor should expect
  • Advice on starting where you are today
  • What size budget should a brand new investor should start out with
  • What she asks the sellers to provide her with in her letters
  • The most common way sellers contact her; this is going to be a real surprise
  • Case studies for deals she has done
  • The ideal motivated seller
  • When she actually gets in the car to go look at a property
  • Automation in your real estate investing business

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Kathy shared her expertise for over an hour, so be sure to have a pen and paper ready.

Please leave us any comments or questions that you have on the blog, and we will get back with you.  I love hearing from you!


You Can Listen to the Podcast Here

Part 1.


[podcast title=”Marketing Magic with Kathy Kennebrook – Part 1″]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/KathyKennebrook-LetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge27p01.mp3[/podcast]

Part 2.

[podcast title=”Marketing Magic with Kathy Kennebrook – Part 2″]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/KathyKennebrook-LetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge27p02.mp3[/podcast]


You Can Also Listen and Download from iTunes By ClickingHere.


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Kathy's Site

Don't forget to stop by Kathy's site “Marketing Magic Lady” and take advantage of that special offer and the bonuses she has just for my listeners. Don't forget to mention the promo code “Sharon” to get your 10% discount.    Click Here to head over to her site…..


If you missed Kathy's “Successful Women in Real Investing” post you can read that by Clicking Here.


  About Kathy Kennebrook

Kathy KennebrookKathy is one of the nation's leading experts at finding motivated sellers using many types of direct mail marketing.  She isalso  the mother of two; she holds a degree in accounting and co-authored the book Walking With the Wise Real Estate Investor which also includes real experts Donald Trump, Suze Orman and Ron LeGrand.


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that here by clicking this link.

If you're not already subscribed to the blog be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.


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