
hiring an acquisition manager

Mitch Stephen – Tips for Hiring an Acquisition Manager, Seller Financing and More – The Best of the Best Shows

Are you at that point in your business where you know you need help? Hiring an acquisition manager just might be at the top of that list.  Today, my guest Mitch Stephen has some tips for hiring an acquisition manager whether it's your first one or your next one.

Real estate investors want to know things like: When should you hire one, and once you make the decision to hire an acquisition manager, what do you look for in that person? Also, how do you pay them?

We're also going to dive into seller financing in this show and a whole lot more.

San Antonio investor Mich Stephen has purchased more than 1500 houses. He is also the author of 3 books. I think it's safe to say he knows a thing or two.


Show Notes – Hiring an Acquisition Manager

Mitch is always generous when it comes to sharing his knowledge.  Here are just some of the things we talked about in this show.

  • Mitch's story and how he got started.
  • The downside of being a “one-man show” like most businesses start out
  • Why doing business this way keeps you from growing
  • Preventing burnout
  • The position he first hired for (and you probably will too)
  • When he knew he needed to hire an acquisition manager
  • Should an acquisition manager be one of the first team members you add in your business?
  • What do you look for when hiring someone new?
  • Adding team members down the road; scaling up to build a real business
  • Tips, tools, and technology
  • Mitch’s final advice for building a real business


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Here's Another Poplular Show with Mitch Stephen

Just CLICK HERE: One Time Money, Temporary Money, and Forever Money


About Mitch

Mitch StephenMitch Stephen has been a self-employed real estate investor for 20+ years. His real estate investing career started at the age of 23 when he read “Nothing Down” by Robert Allen.

Mitch, together with his wife Tommi and his daughter, Shannon purchased their fair share of local houses. Their company, Independence Day, Inc., has bought and sold over 1,500 properties in and about San Antonio, TX since 1996. This company specializes in buying distressed properties with OPM (other people's money) and selling those properties with owner financing. Mitch has also written 3 books:

  • MY LIFE & 1,000 HOUSES: Failing Forward to Financial Freedom.
  • MY LIFE & 1,000 HOUSES: 200+ Ways to Find Bargain Properties
  • MY LIFE & 1,000 HOUSES: The Art of Owner Financing

You can reach out to Mitch at Mitch@1000Houses.com. Be sure to check out his awesome podcast here at RE Investor Summit

You can check out all of his books by CLICKING HERE.


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This blog that was originally published in 2018 has been updated.




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