
Insider Tips for Buying Investment Property

  Buying investment property isn’t rocket science. But you need to take advantage of all the tips and tactics that can make your business soar. There are many simple things you can do that will help ensure your success. It is essential that you get to know the home...

Making Offers In Your Real Estate Business – Part 3

  How Do I Figure Out How Much To Offer? If you ask half dozen investors how they go about making offers when they want to buy investment property, you will most likely get 6 different answers. There are so many things to take into consideration. Most all real estate...

Making Offers In Your Real Estate Business – Part 2

  Where Do I Find Houses To Make Offers On? My market is like a lot of other markets. We have an active investors group with a lot of educated folks that earn their living as real estate investors. There is a lot of competition for really good deals when buying...

Making Offers In Your Real Estate Business – Part 1

Know Your Farm Area First and foremost, when buying investment property, you need to get to know the areas where you will be making offers. Your “farm area” is the area where you intend to concentrate your marketing efforts. You can get a lot of this information from...

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