Mastering Probate Direct Mail Campaigns – Marketing Tip #10

Mastering Probate Direct Mail Campaigns – Marketing Tip #10

  In the last show, I went over the 4 parts of successful probate direct mail campaigns and why you need to get each one of those pieces right.  Today, the topic is mastering probate direct mail campaigns. I’m going to show you the statistics behind direct mail...
How Many Times Should I Send Direct Mail to Someone? Ask Sharon

How Many Times Should I Send Direct Mail to Someone? Ask Sharon

I got a reader question this week about direct mail campaigns, so I decided to do a really short podcast where I answer this particular question. It was, “How many times should I send direct mail to someone to start getting deals? (I might just call this the...

Getting Your Direct Mail Opened- Real Estate Quick Tip #Video

I have another “Real Estate Quick Tip” for you today where you can learn something new in 5 minutes or less. Today's tip is on getting your direct mail opened. Specifically I have 3 ways you can increase your odds of getting your direct mail opened and keep it from...

Is There A “Magic Pill” for Marketing Success?

  I talk to a lot of folks about marketing their real estate business every week, and on just about every forum you visit marketing is always a hot topic.  Most real estate investors intellectually understand that you have to do marketing to get those leads in...

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