
Using the NCOA Database for Keeping Your Lists Up to Date

  Today I want to introduce you to the NCOA Database (the National Change of Address database).  I have some tips and resources for you today for using the NCOA Database and for managing all those returned mail pieces.  By using the NCOA database you will be able...

How to Create an Absentee Owner List Using Listsource

  Today I want to show you how to create an absentee owner list using Listsource.com. Over time, you will need different type of lists in your business depending on the types of marketing campaigns you decide on.  You can create a very specific lists with...

Kathy Kennebrook – Marketing Magic – Podcast Episode #26

My guest for today's podcast Kathy Kennebroook the “Marketing Magic Lady”. I can't believe this is episode #26. You might remember that Kathy was in the spotlight for my “Successful Women in Real Estate Investing” series a couple of weeks ago.  I am really...

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