
power of collaboration


The Power of Collaboration: Accountability Partners

Today I want to talk about the power of collaboration, and how it will help you grow your real estate investing business faster than trying to go it alone.

I've had 3 people just in the past week ask me about accountability partners. Even though I wrote about this topic previously, it's obviously something people are still very interested in hearing about.

If you've never had one, you might be confused about why you should have an accountability partner. Not only that, how do you find one, and how do you create a mutually beneficial relationship that will help you grow your business? That's what this episode is about. How to build a better real estate investing business through the power of collaboration.


The Benefits of Having Accountability Partners

It's hard to know where to start, but I can promise you this; the power of collaboration is so important that if you don't currently have an accountability partner, finding one should be at the top of your “to-do” list before the new year.  Don't look back next year and realize you didn't take the time to do this one simple thing.

Once you have settled into this whole accountability thing and fully realize the power of collaboration, there's no turning back. You will have a sounding board to help sort through your problems, and they will often be able to help you shorten your learning curve tremendously (or avoid certain problems altogether).

And, let's face it; most of the time our friends and family really don't understand what we do. They have jobs.  Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone so it really helps to have someone that knows what you do and the challenges you face.


Do you have an accountability partner?  



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This blog which was originally published in 2018 has been updated.






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