
Before you start investing


The Things You Need to Do Before You Start Investing with Dr. Patricia Red Hawk


If you’re thinking about getting started in real estate investing, you’re probably focusing on strategies, negotiation, and how to find your first deal.  However, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever thought about the things you need to do before you start investing?  I’m talking about things like getting your “financial house in order” before you ever think about launching your business.

Probably not.

Taking these steps will make everything else so much easier as you build your business.

My guest today, is Dr. Patricia Red Hawk.  Patricia is a former physician, she served in the California Army National Guard and is now a full-time real estate investor who has some great advice on things you need to do before you start investing.  You’re also going to learn about a brand-new investing strategy.


“Getting yourself set up means everything that comes after is going to be much easier. Then you’re not building your plane while in flight”.  -Dr. Patricia Red Hawk


Show Notes

This show is packed with so much content.  Be sure to stay on until the very end so that you hear about Patricia’s brand-new investing strategy that she is launching in Portland, OR. This is cutting edge folks!

  • Your “pre-launch strategy”: The 3 things you need to do before you start investing to get your “financial house in order”.
  • The tools you need to invest in before you launch your business
  • How long it should take to get everything in place before you begin doing business
  • Reverse engineering your path so that you meet your goals
  • The exact words to use to approach someone about doing a JV deal with you (when you don’t have the experience or the cash)
  • How many hours a week you should spend on your part-time investing business
  • Market cycles: what are they?
  • Evaluating new markets: how market cycles and trends influence your strategies
  • How to decide if something new is for you without spending a lot of money
  • Changing lanes: moving from distressed properties and the BRRR strategy to an innovative strategy involving pretty houses in Oregon
  • Renting bedrooms in upscale houses (with all the amenities) to 6 figure earners that don’t want to live in an apartment
  • How someone can live in one of Patricia’s houses for the price of a 1-bedroom apartment in certain areas of the country
  • 3 things you should get from a good coach
  • And so much more!


Resources Mentioned in this Show


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About Patricia

Before you start investingDr. Red Hawk is President and CEO of the Red Hawk Property Group LLC and the Welliott Investment Group LLC. This duo of vertically integrated private equity investment firms operates nationwide, managing active investments across multiple platforms and targeting the acquisition of single-family, multifamily, and opportunistic residential assets in US growth markets. She is currently launching a $7.5M real estate investment fund for accredited investors, targeting acquisitions in the Pacific Northwest.

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. Red Hawk put herself through college while also serving in the California Army National Guard. After a tour of duty in the Middle East, she moved to Philadelphia to attend Temple University School of Medicine, training in Family Medicine.

Dr. Red Hawk lives with her wife and kids in the Pacific Northwest. She is a frequent public speaker at wealth and business seminars as well as real estate conferences and events nationwide. She swims a mile a day, enjoys riding motorcycles, racing sailboats, teaching investing/wealth building, and great BBQ.

You can reach out to Patricia here: www.PatriciaRedHawkMD.com or www.RedHawkProp.com

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