There have been times in my life when I have just “run out of gas” as the saying goes. Most of the time I couldn’t put my finger on it; what exactly was it that was wrong?
I would take a look at my life and be forced to say everything was really OK in the grand scheme of things. But never the less, something wasn’t right. I no longer found joy in growing this business I had always loved so much.
Does this sound like you? Are you getting close to running on empty? If it does, you’d better take note and do something about it before you crash and burn.
Recognize the Signs
To fix the problem it’s important to know the warning signs. So what are the telltale signs?
- Feeling really tired or completely drained (often without any apparent reason)
- Feeling a sense of dread as you climb out of bed each day rather than looking forward to the day
- Forgetting things or missing appointments
- Skipping out on commitments
- A general “I don’t care” (I would rather take a nap) attitude
Your symptoms may be a little different than these, but when you take stock of how you feel on a day to day basis the signs will be unmistakable.
Why Does this Happen?
I think the number one reason we run out of gas is that we just work too hard. Entrepreneurs no matter what their business is tend to do this periodically, but I think it’s safe to say that real estate investors wear too many hats most of the time.
Even when you come to the realization that you need help and you start taking concrete steps to fix the problem, it’s not easy and it takes a long time to fix the problem.
Many investors have told me that they tried and failed several times before they finally found the right people to take some of the workload off their plate.
How Do You Gas Up the Tank Again?
The first thing you need to do is get off the hamster wheel so you can recover. You need to rest. You need to breathe.
This will probably mean saying no to folks that aren’t used to hearing that word. Take some time and take stock of all the work you are doing. We think we can do it all, but we can’t so ask yourself this; what do you need to stop doing?
- If you cannot afford to hire an employee just yet, can you hire someone part-time? What about outsourcing some of the work? How about this; just ask for help. Get a friend of family member to jump in on a temporary basis so you don’t completely burn out. There are times when all we need is a break and some rest to get back on track.
- One thing I know for sure is when you find yourself in this place it is a turning point in your business and your life. Something has to change or you can expect a smack down from the universe that will finally get your attention.
- You will have a car accident because you are exhausted or distracted
- Your health will suffer. Don’t be surprised if you end up really sick and you are forced to take some time off.
- You will forget something that causes an enormous problem. I knew someone that left home for an appointment with food cooking on the stove almost burned the house down.
Make an Appointment with Yourself
If you won’t make time for yourself, who will? Here are a few things you can do to recharge:
- Meditate or set aside an hour of quiet time each day and lose the guilt over not working. Take some time to just “be”.
- Go for a walk outside during your workday and enjoy the beauty of nature. Don’t wait until you are done for the day.
- Book an appointment for a massage. Let go of all your stress for an hour. If that’s not in your budget, send everyone off to the park or a movie and jump in the tub for a long bubble bath and some soothing music.
- Treat yourself to a small indulgence like a special drink of your choice and a pedicure. (FYI – There are lots of guys at my nail salon).
- Last but not least and these are the big three; get lots of sleep, exercise every day whether you feel like it or not, and eat properly. Ditch the junk food and refuel your exhausted body.
Finally – Ask Yourself the Million Dollar Question
Am I where I really where I want to be, doing what I really want to do?
That is a bold question that requires an honest answer. If the answer is no, then that might just be the cause of the empty gas tank.
Most people have a hard time answering this question honestly but in reality, we all change over time. We are different people today than we were even one year ago. That business we saw in our head that we worked so hard to create, may no longer serve us. It may be time to create a new reality.
Remember ~ we just have one life so make the most of it.
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That is excellent Matt. If you don’t have your health nothing else matters. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.
MIndset is so critically important in any business venture, especially Real Estate! I’ve been focusing the last few months on health, nutrition and exercise and it helps tremendously! I can’t more confidently attack my goals when I feel great!
Get in the best shape of your life -Tony Robbins’ advice to Paul Tudor Jones when he was “in a rut”.
Matt Buys Houses LI
Thanks so much Roberta. Real estate is perfect for women and men of all ages. I did a whole series here on the blog about successful women in real estate investing. You should check it out. Be sure to subscribe. I feature lots of women here on the site.
LOVED your most informative report on the Bigger Pockets “Rewind” presentation.
Since I am a Senior Citizen looking for ways to publish my cartoonish style, life-saving
book for women, my Plan B must be Real Estate. Plan to focus on Wholesaling as at
my age, I do not plan on forming a Real Estate organization.
Again, thank you for all you well-earned learnings
God bless,
Roberta Loy in Surprise, AZ