

http://houseflippinghq.com/sharonI get questions about wholesaling and marketing typically several times each day.

Where wholesaling is concerned, it is really hard for real estate investors that are just starting out to wrap their brain around the idea of making cash offers to motivated sellers, especially when you don't always have the “bank account” to back up those offers.

Marketing your real estate business, is a topic that everyone needs to know about.  Where do I start, what do I do first, and what are the best strategies to use in my business are just a few of the questions I routinely get.

I was invited to do a podcast for BiggerPockets a while back on “Wholesaling and Marketing” and I thought this was a good time to re-introduce that conversation I had with the fellows Josh Dorkin and Brandon Turner over at the BiggerPockets.com site.

I hope you enjoy the podcast and even if you are listening for the second time, there was a whole lot of information shared on that show. So sit back and enjoy.


Here's the link to the original post and several similar articles on the blog:


If you haven’t already subscribed, be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want 2013 to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.

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