
Sharon Vornholt - Creative Investing stategies


In today's podcast we are going to talk about strategies for creative financing strate for multifamily properties.   Learning how to put these types of deals together opens up a whole world of options for investors especially since getting traditional financing can be challenging today.

My guest for this podcast is Ben Leybovich. Ben has been investing in multifamily properties since 2006 in his home state of Ohio, and he has put together a successful business model that meets many of his unique needs. Ben's specialty is creative finance with an emphasis on no money down techniques.

Show Notes

Here are a few of the highlights of this informative show:

  • Why Ben chose commercial property as his investing strategy rather than single family houses
  • How long it took him to finally take action after years of study
  • Why he must build passive income for the future
  • Tips for getting commercial loans
  • Valuing commercial properties
  • Why commercial bankers think more like investors
  • Why Ben doesn't go to the banks any longer for financing
  • His top 5 creative investing strategies
  • Ben's advice on whether a brand new investor should start out with commercial properties
  • Owner financing
  • Private money partners
  • Blanket Notes
  • Bridging of equity
  • Substitution of equity

If you have ever thought of investing in commercial properties this show is one you want to be sure to listen to.

I also asked Ben to share with us the name of a book that had made an impact on his real estate investing career, and that book was ” How I Turned $1,000 into a Million in My Spare Time” by William Nickerson.


You Can Listen to the Podcast Here

Part 1.

[podcast title=”Creative Financing Strategies for Apartment Buildings”]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/BenLeybovich-LetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge28p01.mp3[/podcast]

Part 2.

[podcast title=”Creative Financing Strategies for Apartment Buildings”]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/BenLeybovich-LetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge28p02.mp3[/podcast]

You Can Also Listen and Download from iTunes By ClickingHere.


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Creative Financing

About Ben:

Ben Leybovich is a real estate entrepreneur, author, trainer, and speaker.  Ben has been investing in multifamily real estate since 2006, starting out with small multiplex and currently syndicating large apartment communities.  Ben's area of expertise is creative finance with an emphasis on nothing down techniques.  Ben works extensively with institutional and private capital.

Aside from being an active real estate investor, Ben is an avid blogger on Just Ask Ben Why.

Ben is a licensed Realtor  and is the creator of Cash Flow Freedom University, an educational program for real estate entrepreneurs which is available through his website.

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