
real estate investingWhen you bought your first property, were you thinking about building a multifamily empire?   Probably not.  Your first property was likely a single family home.

What about when you finally bought a multifamily property or two?  I'm pretty sure that by that time you were starting to thing much bigger than before.  Quite possibly, building a multifamily empire was something that you could now envision; acquiring one property at a time until you had a large portfolio of properties.

This is just what Joe Fairless has done.  He has taken a profitable but conservative path to building his portfolio that will one day will surely be his own multifamily empire. Along the way he has also gotten really good at raising private money too.


Show  Notes

It's always nice to catch up with someone that has been a previous guest on the show, and it's fun to watch people grow their businesses and their wealth. If you missed Joe's last show you can listen to that by clicking here.

Here are just a few things we talked about in today's show.  I know you will enjoy hearing about Joe's journey as a multifamily investor.

  • How he got started
  • How to get help when you can't afford to pay someone
  • Partnering with someone so it's a “win-win”
  • Finding his deals
  • Why building relationships is critical to every business
  • Can you use direct mail for finding commercial properties?
  • Funding his deals
  • Raising private money
  • Joe's advice for someone that wants to move into multifamily properties from SFH


 You Can Listen to the Podcast Here

Meet Joe Fairless

Joe Fairless

Joe lives in Cincinnati Ohio. He is an investor, a coach and mentor, and he has an awesome podcast “The Best Real Estate Advice Ever”.  You can find it at JoeFairless.com.  While you're there be sure to check out his awesome site. He has some great freebies over there.


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that sending me an email at sharon@sharonvornholt.com.

If you're not already subscribed to the blog be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.



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