
Throwing in the towel 1


Welcome to tip #2 in my marketing tip series. Today I'm going to dive into those moments when you just feel like throwing in the towel.  You know… when  you’ve just reached the end of your rope. We've all had those moments.

There is something you need to do that’s going to sound a bit strange.

You need to stop; slow down and take a breath. Above all, stop running around like a crazy person doing anything and everything to find a deal.

Now, you’re probably thinking:

  • I have to find a deal
  • I need some cash in my bank account
  • I need to work harder; work faster; I need to do… (You fill in the blank).

However, as counter-intuitive as this may seem, all of this disjointed action is getting you no-where fast. To be able to create the end result you are looking for (buying more properties), you have to do some up-front planning.  It’s not optional and I can tell you from experience, it just won’t happen without it. You may find a deal or two here and there, but you won’t be able to build a business this way.


What is the First Step?

Before you even think about marketing your business, you need to make a few decisions. When you have the urge to just throw in the towel, it’s almost always due to the lack of planning.


Choose Your Strategy

First of all, you need to decide on the ONE primary investing strategy you will focus on. Then you need to master that one strategy before moving on to another one.  If you try to be a “jack of all trades” early on, you will be the master of none.

Your first investing strategy might be wholesaling. Or, maybe you’ll jump right into rehabbing based on your knowledge and skills.  It doesn’t matter.  Just pick ONE and get really good at that one before moving on to another one.


What’s Your Budget for Marketing?

Once you have decided on a strategy, you need to take a close look at your budget for marketing.  This will determine the marketing strategies you will implement in your business. I’ll go into this in more detail in the show, but you need to know how much you can spend.  You’re either going to have to spend your money or your time.  In most cases, it will be a combination of both.


Creating a Marketing Plan – Get Your FREE Template Below

This is the point at which you start to create a marketing plan.  Decide on the strategies you will implement REGULARLY.  You should have 3-5 marketing strategies.

Make no mistake about it; you must have a marketing plan.

Did you ever try to take a cross country trip without a map or GPS?   I’m sure you would never attempt that. So why would you think you don’t need to map out a plan of action for your business?


Get Your  FREE Marketing Plan Template

Get the exact same template that I use with my private students to create their marketing plans.

Click Here —>> FREE Marketing Plan Template 


Thanks for Listening!

I would really love to hear from you.  Please leave a note in the comments section below.  And, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media using the social share buttons below.


Next Time…

Watch for marketing tip #3 next week where we will dive a little deeper into the marketing puzzle. In this show, you’re going to learn the one mistake that will be the “kiss of death” in your business.

In the mean-time, hit reply and let me know if you have a WRITTEN marketing plan for your business.


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Thanks again for joining me this week. I’ll see you next time!


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

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