
Everything Markteting Wrong


Everything you learned about marketing is wrong? That’s a bold claim but it’s true.

Most real estate investors are sporadic marketers at best.  Here’s an example.


They Might …

  • Hammer up a few Bandit signs every now and then.
  • Send out direct mail 3 or 4 times then stop before they ever get any traction.
  • Go to 1 or 2 networking events like their REIA and then not bother going back.  What’s even worse is that they go but never talk to anyone.
  • Completely avoid doing marketing tasks that are unpleasant even though they know they need to be doing them. I’m talking about things like talking to sellers who call after sending out a direct mail campaign. Yes; people do that.
  • Put all their eggs in a basket. What I mean by that is they only have one way of generating leads for their business. When that one lead channel dries up, they’re in trouble. You need multiple lead channels or ways to get deals.
  • Worst of all, some don’t do anything at all yet they are surprised when the phone doesn’t ring.


Here’s the Million Dollar Question

How can you get out of this rut and stop treating marketing like a seasonal sport or a one-time event?

You do that with a plan.  Specifically, a marketing plan. Anyone that succeeds in any venture has a plan and real estate is no different. Now don’t get me wrong; it doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult to implement but you need a plan.

In our next marketing tip. I’m going to talk about how to fix your marketing problems.

In the mean-time I would love to hear from you.  Just hit reply and let me know what your biggest marketing challenge is.


Would You like to Download Tip #1? – Everything You Learned about Marketing is Wrong.


You can do that by CLICKING HERE.


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

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