
Hello From 2027


Pretend for just a minute that it’s 10 years from now.

It’s 2027.   Think back to a decade ago when you had big plans for the future. It would be safe to say you had every detail of your future life planned out (at least in your mind).

You knew…

  • Exactly how much income you needed to live an extraordinary life.
  • Where you wanted to live. Near the beach? In the mountains?
  • You had both the time and money to travel because you had planned well and followed your plan.
  • When it came to your business, you would only be working on your business not in your business.
  • You had the most precious commodity of all… plenty of time to do what you wanted to do.

Life was good!


The Problem Is…

Things didn’t quite work out like you planned.

Today, you’re working even harder than before.  There never seems to be enough money to go around. And those dreams ….  well, sometimes things just don’t turn out like you planned.

At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.  Now you have to ask yourself, why not?


How Did this Happen?

If things didn’t turn out the way you planned, it’s almost certainly because one of these things:

  • You really didn’t have a plan to begin with. You kinda, sorta knew what you wanted to do.
  • Maybe you had a plan, but over time you never got around to consistently implementing it. There were just too many stops and starts. One day you realized that you had forgotten all about your plan, and you told yourself you were just too far off track to get back on.
  • Or, when life got in the way (think of some major life event), you didn’t make a new plan and move forward taking a slightly different route. Let’s face it; even the best plans change and evolve over time. Sometimes we initiate the change, and at other times life is responsible for taking us in a different direction.  Just know that this is bound to happen.


Life is Kind of like Travel

I love to travel to Amelia Island Plantation in northern Florida with my family. We like to take the route from Louisville that takes us down I-95 near Savannah and on down to Amelia Island. It’s a scenic route through the mountains. But on occasion, I have taken I-65 due to road conditions. Now I really don’t like I-65. There are just too many semi-trucks, you have to deal with heavy traffic in a couple of major cities, and it’s not very scenic.

Can I get there either way in about the same time?  Yes I can.  Even though I prefer to take the trip one way, I can change my plans and get there by a different route if I need to.  I make it to the same destination.

Your plans for your business and your life are no different. Things will change, events you didn’t plan on will happen, and you will be required to change course many times over the next decade. You will end up somewhere in 10 years, so why not decide where that will be right now and take steps to make it happen?

This is what I know for sure: if you don't make that pivot and create a new plan when something turns your world upside down, this will be you in 2027.


It’s Really Pretty Simple but Not Necessarily Easy

What your life looks like in 2027 will be determined by the things you do over the next decade.  However, it really boils down to a couple of things.

First of all, as a real estate investor, you have to have leads coming in the door or you will be out of business before you ever get any traction.  You do that with a marketing plan that you implement consistently.

Secondly, it is what you do on a daily business that really causes the most impact. What are the small steps you need to take consistently to move closer toward that end goal?

Let's talk about these two things for a minute.

It's the small steps taken consistently over time that makes up the compound effect. In my opinion this is probably the biggest thing that separates the winners from the losers.


The Compound Effect

There just so happens to be a great little book called “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy.

It’s a quick read and I highly recommend that you pick it up. In his book, Darren talks about the enormous effect taking small, consistent steps over time will have on any outcome. These small steps add up to the compound effect.   Here an article I wrote on the book “The Compound Effect” where you can learn more.


Want the Book?

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<<– You can get the book by clicking on the image. 


How to Get More Leads and Make More Money with a Marketing Plan

Marketing or the lack of it, will likely be responsible for your success (or failure) of your business.  Your marketing plan doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it does need to be a written plan.  Once you have your plan in place, you’re going to want to schedule the things that you need to implement.  Truthfully that’s the only way they will get done. There's really no magic here. Just a plan coupled with consistent action.

To learn more about creating a marketing plan, JUST CLICK HERE.


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that here by clicking this link.


Have you gotten your freebies and subscribed to the blog?  If not be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.


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