Marketing Tip #7

Today I want to talk about what I think is the secret to creating unbelievable, long lasting success in your REI business. This topic ties back into marketing tip #6.   If you remember, last time I talked about consistency with your marketing and why that’s crucial for success.

However, the question that always comes up is, “How do you do that? How do you stay on track every single month”?  I have a simple tip for you today that you can implement in your business immediately, that will skyrocket your success over the next 12 months.

It's so drop-dead simple, you'll wonder why you didn't think about it yourself.  So, what is it? It's having a great big wall calendar just for marketing in your work space. You’re going to use this to schedule EVERYTHING on.


So, what is Everything?

Everything is all the individual tasks (and the steps you need to take to implement those tasks) that are in your marketing plan. It all goes on your calendar.  It’s things like these:

  • Direct mail: What’s the date it will get printed? What’s the date it will get mailed? When can you expect your phone to start ringing? The timing is important.  Do you have room in your schedule to answer the calls or do you have someone to do that for you?
  • Cold calling: When will you do it? How often? What dates and times? Block the time off in your calendar or it won’t get done.
  • Driving for dollars: Do you have an area that you’re farming? If so, when will you do that?
  • Networking events: What are they? Put them on your calendar and attend them.
  • Your website: What needs to be done, and when will you do it? Block off some hours each week or maybe a day or two a month to get that done.
  • The MLS (AKA the big black hole). This one is really for the MLS junkies out there that spend hours and hours surfing the MLS.   My advice to you is not to randomly spend a lot of time on the MLS.  If this is one of the ways you find deals, block time out on your calendar to do that and stick to the allotted time.

Creating success in your business takes a marketing plan, consistent marketing, and a way to be sure your plan is implemented month after month.


But, I Want to Use an Online Calendar…

Some of you are going to say you love your online calendar.  I love my Google calendar too.  However, I also have a regular planner where I keep all my business appointments as well as my personal commitments. I want a central place that has everything on it so I don’t double book myself, and I just like a physical planner.

Having one or both of those things is great. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need a dedicated calendar just for marketing that you look at every single day.  I can promise you that this will change your business and your bottom line over time.

The magic for creating success in your business happens when you have to stare at your marketing plan up on the wall every day.  You are accountable for what you have said you INTEND to do and accomplish. It becomes your (silent) accountability partner.


My Personal Case Study for Creating Success in Your REI Business

Do you want to know why I am such a big believer in this concept of having a big wall calendar just for marketing?  Here’s the reason.

The first year that I actually committed to living and dying by my great big marketing wall calendar, I more than doubled my income in one year. The reason?  Simply because it kept me on track.


Did You Miss the Last Tip?

Just CLICK HERE for  marketing tip #6 on why consistency is critical.


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Thanks again for joining me this week. I’ll see you next time!


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

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