Tips for Finding the Right Real Estate Investing Mentors with Omni Casey – Episode #407 In this show, you will find tips for finding the right real estate investing mentors for your business and learn how that gives you a competitive edge. Omni has grown...
Why Having a Real Estate Mentor is a Must with Joe Killinger Quote: “You have to sell yourself that make sure it's a good fit. Don't just take the first person that says, ‘Yes, I will mentor you.’” – Joe Killinger Show Notes: Today’s topic is about why...
I've had several people ask me recently about a post I wrote 3 years ago called “Don't Be an Askhole; Tips for Building a Relationship With Your Mentor”. These investors, having experienced the same problem I was having (and continue to have), asked me if...
I love having successful women on this show. My guest today is Neva Williamson from the DC area. She is a wife, the mother of a 3 year old daughter and a full time investor so she is one busy lady. Neva was born in Jamaica, grew up in New York then went on to college...
Don't be an “Askhole”. Catchy title right? I saw that title on an article recently, and I really had to chuckle having just experienced one of those days. Today I just couldn’t resist incorporating it into my article, because it spells out perfectly...