

I love having successful women on this show.  My guest today is Neva Williamson from the DC area. She is a wife, the mother of a 3 year old daughter and a full time investor so she is one busy lady.

Neva was born in Jamaica, grew up in New York then went on to college and a corporate job.  She was successful by anyone’s standards.  But she wanted to be able to stay home with her baby.

Today’s podcast will tell you exactly how she went from her corporate job to being a successful full time real estate investor.

Here are just a few of the things you will find in this podcast:


Show Notes

  • How Neva got started
  • What her first investing strategy was (it’s still the same today)
  • Getting serious and getting a mentor
  • Going from a classified government job to entrepreneurship
  • The struggles of those first few years
  • That unfulfilled desire to work in real estate
  • The job change that made it necessary to succeed
  • The 40K deal that changed everything
  • Marketing; her best source of leads
  • What happens when your marketing budget is exhausted?
  • Marketing; thinking outside the box
  • Why networking is so critical to your success
  • Neva’s business today and her plans for growth
  • Her end of the year strategy that sets her up for success in the new year


You Can Listen to the Podcast Here

Part 1.

[podcast title=”From Corporate America to Full-Time Real Estate Investor part 1″]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/NevaWilliamsonLetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge52p01.mp3[/podcast]

Part 2. 

[podcast title=”From Corporate America to Full Time Real Estate Investor Part 2″]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/NevaWilliamsonLetsTalkRealEstateInvestinge52p02.mp3[/podcast]


You Can Also Listen and Download all of the podcasts on iTunes By Clicking Here.

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About Neva

Let's talk real estate investingHi I’m Neva Williamson…I’m a lover of real estate…..selling, buying, investing, decorating, developing….I think I breathe this stuff…….lol 🙂  I am a regular girl making things happen!!!!!!!

I am an active  real estate investor today but my journey did not start off easy.  You can find out more about my journey on my site  “Time for Investing”.  You will find a lot of content there along with a whole lot of inspiration.


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that here by clicking this link.

If you're not already subscribed to the blog be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.




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