
profitable short-term rental business

Today we are going to take a deep dive into how to build a profitable short-term rental business. If you want to learn how to buy the right property in the right location and how to niche down each property so that you deliver a premium experience every time, then this is the show for you. Getting 5-star reviews from your guests is easy once you know these tips, and it doesn’t have to break the bank.

My guest today is Andresa Guidelli.  Andresa was born and raised in Brazil. She is a developer, an asset manager with extensive experience in full gut renovation projects, new construction, and commercial development. She owns a rental portfolio comprising both long and short-term rentals.

Andresa is also the co-founder and CEO of The Real Estate InvestHER® community. She is the co-host of the “The Real Estate InvestHER Show” and recently published InvestHER’s first book, which is an Amazon Bestseller, “The Only Woman in the Room – Knowledge and Inspiration from 20 Successful Real Estate Women Investors!”

Andresa is also the “go-to person” when it comes to implementing processes that allow for scalability.



“The more niche you are with your short-term rental the better it is.  You want to make it an experience for the people”.   -Andresa Guidelli


Show Notes – Tips for Growing a Profitable Short-Term Rental Business

Here’s a sample of what we discussed in this show:

  • How a young woman from Brazil ends up being a successful real estate investor in the US
  • The advantages and disadvantages of short-term rentals
  • Deciding whether a property is right for a short-term rental, or a better fit for a long-term rental
  • How to choose an area for your short-term rental that will be desirable
  • What amenities are important to guests
  • How can you deliver a premium experience without breaking the bank
  • Profitability and ROI
  • The price you will pay for not understanding insurance in your short-term rental business
  • The special contract Andresa has her guests sign (it’s non-negotiable)
  • Why niching down will make you more money
  • The book, “The Only Woman in the Room”

There is so much information in this show, you’re going to want to take notes.



” I am a hundred percent responsible for what happens to me, to my projects. If it goes right, it's on me. If it goes wrong, it’s on me two. And the reason for that, because then the power is on me to change. When I blame somebody else about, Oh, this project did not go right because of my contractor, then it's on them to figure it out and do it better. When it's on me, I take responsibility for it.  I am in control of where I'm taking my life, not just my business, but my life as a whole”.  -Andresa Guidelli


Resources Mentioned in This Show

This is such an inspiring book for female investors. Get your copy by clicking on this link: The Only Woman in the Room: Knowledge and Inspiration from 20 Women Real Estate Investors


Here's Your Video  – Tips for Growing a Profitable Short-Term Rental Business with Andresa Guidelli

Rather watch? You can do that here.


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About Andresa

profitable short-term rental businessAndresa Guidelli is a skilled developer and asset manager with extensive experience in full gut renovation projects, new construction, and commercial development. She owns a rental portfolio, comprising both long and short-term rentals.  She is the “go to person” when it comes to implementing processes that allow for scalability. Andresa is the co-founder and CEO of The Real Estate InvestHER® community, a platform to empower women to live a financially free and balanced life on their own terms.  She is the co-host of the “The Real Estate InvestHER Show” and recently published InvestHER’s first book which is an Amazon Bestseller, “The Only Woman in the Room – Knowledge and Inspiration from 20 Successful Real Estate Women Investors!”

Andresa has been interviewed on many top-ranked podcasts, including the BiggerPockets Podcast and the Best Ever Podcast. On the personal side, Andresa was born and raised in Brazil, has an adorable son named Lorenzo, and loves to salsa dance.

You can reach out to Andresa at The Real Estate InvestHER.com or on Instagram at The Real Estate InvestHER


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