
use Bonjoro videos to grow your real estate business


Today I want to show you how to use Bonjoro videos to grow your real estate business and create a little bit of marketing magic. As you know, the competition is fierce for both real estate investors and agents now.  Learning how to stand out is more important than ever. Who doesn’t need “an edge” after all? 

You’ve heard me say this a million times…

“Marketing is how you get leads … branding is why they choose YOU”.

Creating a memorable experience with sellers is easier than you think, and I’m going to show you how to do that today.


The Secret is to First Delight then Convert

To use Bonjoro’s own words, the purpose of making these videos is to first delight and then convert your potential customers and clients. In our case, that is motivated sellers. 

Part of being successful in any business is finding ways to stand out from your competition. You do that by creating an unforgettable experience at every touchpoint in your business.  business.  This has never been easier with Bonjoro.

This company is committed to building a platform that they call a “customer delight platform”.

Bonjoro originally developed the platform for their own business.  However, they quickly realized that they had tripled their response rates overnight when compared to other forms of communication. That is huge!

Now you may be saying, I can just pull out my phone and make a regular video without using Bonjoro and that’s true, but Bonjoro’s aren’t just any video. They are different! The process is different, and the user experience is different.  

So, what do I mean by that?


What’s Different About Bonjoros? 

When you make a video with Bonjoro, the person you are sending it to doesn’t get a link to click that takes them out of your email and over to a platform like YouTube.  A lot of people simply won’t do that. They won’t click on the link, so your fancy marketing video never gets seen by the person you sent it too.  

Instead, they will open the email see a video player right there in the email.  Then all they do is click the play button on the screen. The other thing that is unique is that you can make a customized video in less than a minute using their name.  This means that they will know immediately that you made this video just for them. 

Here’s an example. If you are sending a thank you video to a seller for letting you to look at their property, you can start out by saying something link this: 

“Hi Cindy. I just want to thank you for showing me your property yesterday”, and then finish your message.  Imagine how impressed Cindy is right about now.  She just got a personalized message from you! 


7 Easy Ways You Can Use Bonjoro Videos to Grow Your Real Estate Business

There are so many ways to use this tool. Keep in mind that when it comes to real estate, the goal is to be so memorable you make your competition irrelevant. Here are 7 easy ways to get you started.

  1. When you set up an appointment with a seller, send them a Bonjoro video confirming the time and date. You will be a familiar face when you show up at the door. This also helps you win their trust.
  2. Send them a personalized thank you note after the appointment. After all, who does that?
  3. Use these short videos to check in with sellers. If they are thinking about your offer or whether they should work with you (rather than someone else), stay in touch with a quick Bonjoro. Remind them why you are the best choice for them in your video. Tell them how you can solve their problem quickly and easily. 
  4. Think of these as video voicemails. If someone has a question, send them a reply using Bonjoro.
  5. If you have a “freebie” like a checklist or some other type of information for sellers, you can send them a video to tell them how they can get it.  There is a button that sits beside the video that will take them right to your freebie.
  6. Bonjoro integrates with your email marketing program. This one feature opens up a whole new world of possibility when it comes to first impressions.
  7. Build buzz about your biz! Create raving fans with this really cool and easy to use tool. And raving fans lead to referrals. 


More Reasons to Love Bonjoro

You can make these videos on your phone or on your desktop which makes it easy to use. Best of all, you will build brand awareness by implementing even a few of these suggestions.


How Much Does Bonjoro Cost?

The basic plan is 100% free, so you can give Bonjoro a whirl without spending a dime.  If you want to upgrade, the next level is just $12.50 a month. There are several additional plans to choose from. As you can see, this is affordable for anyone. 

Let me ask you this.  What have you got to lose?   

–> Sign up for Bonjoro here and give it a try. 


Here's Your Video  – Marketing Magic! How to Use Bonjoro Videos to Grow Your Real Estate Business

Rather watch? You can do that here. See some examples of how to use Bonjoro in this short video.




Want to See What an Actual Bonjoro Video Looks Like?



Get Your Free Video Guide Here

Click this link and you also get a cool freebie called the “Ultimate Guide to Creating Personalized Video”.  Just Click Here


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