
Goal setting planner

At the beginning of the year I talked a lot about setting goals, and how that is the secret to your success.  If you missed those posts, I will put the links below. Today I wanted to check in and see how you're coming, and to tell you I have created something to help you with the goal setting process and with accomplishing those goals.  I have created a free “Goal Setting Planner” for you to download.

But first, let's take a step back.

Did you complete the process of setting your 2018 goals? We are just finishing the 1st quarter of 2018, so if you're not on track now is the time to fix that.  It's never too late to set new goals or event to change course. That's the beauty of being an entrepreneur. We can change course on a dime.


Take A Quick Look Back

This should be a pretty quick exercise.

  • Total honesty needed here.  How are you doing this quarter on your goals?
  • If you've missed the mark, what do you need to do to get back on track?
  • Once you have identified those things you need to do, put them on your calendar
  • Add these tasks to your new goal setting planner


Why Use this Goal Setting Planner?

The answer is pretty simple. According to the Huffington Post, you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.  Everyone knows you need to do this yet less than 3% of the people actually write down their goals.  Less than 1% review and re-write their goals on a daily basis.

It's not just the process of writing them down that is so important. You need to actually review them, and you should do that on a daily basis.  Having this goal setting planner will be an important tool that you can use to review your goals and the “next steps” for achieving your goals.


Let's Do a Little Exercise

If you think about things in your life that you are successful at, you will almost certainly realize that they are tied to your habits.  Whether it is exercise, cooking healthy meals or making time for a hobby, this almost always happens because you make it a habit.

When it comes to writing down your goals, that could be a habit you work on every December or January of every year.

The best way to do this is to go somewhere other than your home or office where you have so many distractions.  You could even go to a coffee shop, put on headphones to block out everyone else and simply focus on writing down your goals.  Once you have your written goals and put them in your goal setting planner, then you can start to create tasks to accomplish those goals.

You have just created an annual habit.


Next Steps

Keep your goal setting planner someplace where you will see it every day. Simply read over your big goals each morning, decide which tasks you can do that day that will bring you closer to your goals, then get to work.  It's also a good idea to do a quick review every evening to see how you did.

This is really a simple process, you just need to make it a habit.


Rather Listen?

I've recorded a short podcast for you.


Here's a Recap of the Goals Articles that You Can Review


Get Yours Now

Just click the link below.

Get Your Goal Setting Planner Here    <———


If you would like to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that by Clicking Here.


Have you gotten your freebies here on the blog?  If not be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want this year to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.



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