
“Why your attitude and your habits have more to do with making more money and having more freedom than anything else”.

How to Change Your Mindset to Achieve Huge Success – Book ReviewI read a book recently called “How to Change Your Mindset to Achieve Huge Success” by Mark Ferguson, and that’s what I want to talk about today. Like the author Mark Ferguson, I believe that your mindset has everything to do with your ability to achieve huge success in life.


Passive Income Changes Everything

One thing that Mark has learned along the way is how passive income will help reduce the stress in your life.  By saving more, investing more and by having a different attitude about money, he has changed his life. (He is the guy that bought a Lamborghini after all. More on that later.)

I know this for sure; having a negative mindset will keep you from seeing opportunities and will keep you poor in more ways than you can count.


How to Become More Successful in Life

In part 1 of this book Mark talks about how to be more successful in life.

You will find chapters on the importance of goals, focus, routines and managing your time for sure. Also included is a lot of real world information when it comes to finding success. You will also learn about Mark’s plan to purchase 100 rental properties by 2023.  Why 100 you might ask?  To reach his big bold financial goals.


The 5 Biggest Mistakes

In part 2 of this book you will learn what Mark considers to be his 5 biggest mistakes. There is a lot to learn here.  We all make mistakes, and I am a big believer of saving others the pain of making the same mistakes I made.


What Does Your Mindset have to do with Material Success?

In the last part of the book you will find what I call Mark’s “why”.

I mentioned the Lamborghini before, and Mark talks in depth about this car and how it relates to success. He also talks about how he was able to buy this car and his dream house much sooner than he ever expected using income from real estate.

There is much more information in this book on how to achieve success so be sure to check it out. You can get “How to Change Your Mindset to Achieve Huge Success” by Mark Ferguson on Amazon.s


About Mark

Mark Ferguson 2a059e7334c230ad8976fe1.L. V354515316 SX200Mark Ferguson is a highly successful entrepreneur, real estate investor, author, and family man. Mark is living proof that positive thinking can propel you to incredible levels of success. He has achieved much of his financial success through real estate.

Mark has been a Realtor since 2001 and has specialized in listing REO and HUD properties since 2008. He has a team of ten that includes 7 licensed real estate agents. Mark's team sells over 200 homes a year.

Mark fix and flips 10-15 homes every year, which is a great compliment to his real estate sales. Mark has learned how to flip homes in any market and how to flip many homes at the same time. Mark has a portfolio of rentals that are providing him with steady passive income

Be sure to stop by his site Invest Four More.


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