
real estate investingMy guest today is Jim Huntzicker of Yellow Star Properties, and the topic of today's show is how to find deals on the MLS.  I've really been looking forward to sharing this show with you.

Jim is an investor and as well as an agent. He is also the creator of a program called MLS Domination and the Real Estate Investor Academy.

Jim’s company does an impressive 10 to 14 rehabs at any one time, and he has been involved in over 450 transactions to date.  He finds 75% of his deals on the MLS.

Jim says that approximately 80% of all property sold will be listed on the MLS. Some of those will be investor deals.  So why isn't everyone having the same success?  It's almost certainly because that they aren't doing things the same way as he is.

Listen in as Jim gives you some tips on how you can find deals on the MLS.


Show Notes

We covered a whole lot of ground in this show. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Why he chose investing over being an agent
  • The school of hard knocks – losing 36K on his first property
  • Big comeback – making 70k on deal #2
  • Getting off the “win-lose” roller coaster
  • Managing 10-14 rehabs at one time
  • Using technology to simplify the way you do business
  • Tips for working with agents to get your offer accepted
  • Why you have to treat investing like a real business
  • Building rapport with REO agents
  • Pocket listings – getting on the agent’s short list
  • How to find deals on the MLS; the exact criteria Jim uses
  • How he gets 75% of his deals off the MLS
  • The percentage of profit he looks for in his deals
  • How to get MLS comps if you’re not an agent
  • Why you need an agent on your team to maximize your profits
  • Tips for being a “follow up ninja”. This one tip is gold!


Here's Your Video – Expert Interview with Jim Huntzicker


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[podcast title=”Finding Deals on the MLS with Jim Huntzicker”]http://traffic.libsyn.com/letstalkrealestateinvesting/Jim_Huntzicker_fin.mp3[/podcast]

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About Jim

How to find deals on the MLSJim is the founder of The Real Estate Investor Academy® and creator of MLS Domination®. He has been a licensed agent in IL since 2005 and a real estate investor since 2008. For the last 8 he has used the MLS as his primary deal source. Jim has been using these strategies through every kind of market; the good, the bad, and the ugly!

The stuff he teaches in his highly sought-after MLS Domination® course works all over the country (and Canada) in any kind of market (with an MLS of course). But this course, like any other, is no magic pill. It will teach you everything you need to know to get a predictable stream of profitable deals out of your local MLS.  But it is still going to take some work and implementation to make the deals happen.


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that by sending me an email at sharon@sharonvornholt.com.


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