
Investing in Tiny Homes for short term rentals

Today we are going to talk about a hot topic, and that is investing in tiny homes for short term rentals. My guest is Nashville investor, Cindy Maxson. Cindy has a wealth of experience when it comes to real estate investing. She has completed over a dozen flips and two new construction projects. Cindy also got her real estate license within the past year.  

What she discovered along the way was that she wasn’t a fan of long term rentals.  However, she did discover her passion for short term rentals after converting a vacant, run-down boarding house into her first Airbnb on the second floor of what would become her personal residence.  Cindy’s most recent project is investing in a tiny home for a short term rental.


Show Notes

Investing in tiny homes for short-term rentals is a fairly new concept for most investors, however, it is definitely a fascinating topic. Here is just some of what we talked about in this show.

  • How Cindy got started: buying foreclosure homes and rehabbing them
  • The process of figuring out she didn’t like long term rentals
  • Her decision to buy a vacant, run-down boarding house to turn into her personal home with a second floor Airbnb
  • Cindy’s thought process behind investing in tiny homes for short term rentals
  • The amenities she feels are important in tiny home communities
  • The numbers: just how profitable is investing in tiny homes for short term rentals?
  • Are more tiny homes in her future?
  • The art of the pivot when Covid-19 takes away your primary source of income
  • What Cindy has learned from Airbnb’s and the tips she has for anyone that has an interest in short term rentals as an investing strategy


Quick Question

Do you currently invest in short term rentals?  If you do, what has your experience been?


Here's Your Video  – Investing in Tiny Homes for Short Term Rentals with Cindy Maxson

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About Cindy

Cindy MaxsonCindy started as an investor 10 years ago by purchasing five foreclosure homes and renting them out. She has completed over a dozen flips and two new construction projects. In 2016 she purchased a vacant, run-down boarding house in Nashville. They fully gutted it, turning it into their personal home while building out the second story as a short term vacation rental called Chateau on Monroe where they hosted over 100 events prior to Covid-19. Cindy is also a licensed Realtor and she has purchased her first tiny home in the mountains as her newest rental.  

She has seven adult children and two grandchildren. Building a solid business in real estate as an investor agent along with building a business legacy for her children is her passion.

To see Cindy’s beautiful Airbnb, Chateau on Monroe, just click here.

You can check out Cindy’s tiny home rental by Clicking Here

You can find Cindy on all the social media channels, on her website Homestyle Nashville, and you can also email her at CindyMaxson@gmail.com

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