

Probate: Is there a Perfect Direct Mail Piece?

When it comes to choosing a perfect direct mail piece for probates, you have a number of choices. Putting together the perfect direct mail pieces for probates doesn't have to be hard.

There are letters and postcards to choose from. You can use white letters, yellow letters, plain postcards and fancy postcards to name a few.

What's my choice? I believe you should always use professional, white computer generated letters. They are professional and they work the best. In my opinion, hands down that is the perfect mail direct piece for probates.

After you've done direct mail marketing for a while, you will find that some direct mail pieces will work better for different niches than others. In most cases you will simply need to test them to see what works best in your area.

I don't think that is true when it comes to probates.  So today I have some guidelines you can follow when it comes to probates.

Why are White Letters the Perfect Direct Mail Piece For Probates?

When it comes to probates, I have found over the years that they need a very specific mail piece. They need a professional white letter with a white handwritten envelope. Everything about your mail piece should say “I am a professional. How can I help you with this problem?”

I have my return address printed on the envelope, but I don't have a company name on it. I want sellers to have to open it to see what's inside.

Sellers that are involved in settling the estate often have a lot of emotion surrounding this process. It’s likely that they are still in the middle of grieving. On top of that they will often be getting a lot of mail relating to the estate.

One thing I have learned is that almost all of these folks find it offensive to get a postcard. When they get a postcard from someone that wants to buy the property it is upsetting and they get angry. They feel like this shows a lack of compassion and common courtesy. This is why I believe you should send a letter.


What About Yellow Letters?

Over the years one thing has become clear; they also don’t like getting handwritten yellow letters They fell insulted when they get a direct mail piece that looks like someone scribbled down their message hurriedly on a piece of legal paper  that concerns their loved one.

Every communication with the seller should be done with the utmost of care.  Being sensitive to their situation will go a long way toward building a working relationship with the seller.


Should I Mention the Estate and Offer My Condolences?

There are 2 different schools of thought when it comes to whether or not to offer your condolences in the first letter you send. I am one of those people that believe you should just go ahead and say you are sorry for their loss.

At some point they will almost certainly ask you how you found out about the house, and you will have to tell them. When they do, you can just simply say that you have access to the public records, and you have been able to help a lot of sellers in their same situation in the past. This is a good time to tell them that you can help them settle the estate more quickly so they can go on with their lives.


What Should Be In My Letter?

As I said, I always offer my condolences in the first letter.  It's OK if you would rather not do that. This is a personal choice. However, be advised that you will have to address it at some point. They will want to know how you got their information.

The first probate letter is more of an introduction.  In the letters that follow, you will want to inquire how the estate is progressing. You will also want to tell them that you can help them settle the estate more quickly. Be sure to go over the benefits of working with you, and remind them that you are a cash buyer.

You need to have a call to action to close the letter which in this case would be for them to contact you to see how you can help them with disposing of the property in the estate.

You need to be clear on what business you are in. You're not in the house business. You're in the problem solving business  that just happens to involve real estate.

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