
stop your direct mail marketing


I have been asked this question a lot lately. What happens if you stop your direct mail marketing now? Investors everywhere wonder if they should continue their direct mail marketing now that everything is shut down due to Covid-19 or stop for a while? That’s a valid question. However, before you decide there are some things you need to consider.

Show Notes

Today I’m going to go over some of these things:

  • Should you continue your direct mail marketing or stop or delay it for a while?
  • Best practices; should you send the same mail direct mail piece you’ve been sending or something different?
  • What about your message? Should your message be different?
  • What about sending a “value add” marketing piece instead of what you normally send?
  • What happens if you do stop mailing now and start again later?
  • Ways to stay top of mind with sellers so that they remember you when this is over


Final Thoughts…

Marketing is like a rock rolling down a hill. It takes a while to get momentum. Anytime you stop your marketing campaigns, it may take a while to ramp things up again. Are you willing to do that?


Here's Your Video  – What Happens if You Stop Your Direct Mail Marketing Now?

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