Building an 8 Figure Business with Andrew Holmes – Podcast #77

If you are like most investors, building an 8 figure business is probably something you just can’t wrap your brain around. That’s a mighty big number. My guest today is Andrew Holmes from Chicago. Andrew has built his 8 figure business in just 6 years. His company,...

What If I Can’t Sell My Wholesale Deal? Real Estate Quick Tip

This is a question every wholesaler on the planet has asked themselves.  What if I get a house under contract and I can't sell my wholesale deal? Here is the short answer; if it's a good deal you won't have any problem selling the property.  Seasoned investors are...

Wholesaling Houses the Right Way – Podcast Interview

Wholesaling houses the right way has always been a big topic of discussion among investors.  I love wholesaling because it's a quick way to make chunks of cash. I think everyone should add wholesaling to their business no matter what their primary investing strategy...

Understanding FHA 203K Loans with Tim Gordon – Podcast #65

My guest today is Tim Gordon an investor from southern California. Tim is a full time wholesaler who used FHA 203K loans to buy his 1st property.  Today we are going to dive into the ways you can use this financing yourself. We will also talk about a couple of common...

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