
real estate coach

Do you have a coach?  If you don’t, I have to ask you a question.  Why not?

The best investment you can make in yourself and your business is to invest in coaching. Did you know that “coaches even have coaches”?  It’s true.

Almost all of the biggest earners in our business have at least one coach – sometimes two as long as they are trying to grow their business.

Do you know why?  It’s because you can shave years off your learning curve with a coach no matter what level you are at.

The coach a beginner has will be teaching very different things than someone that has an investor student that has done some deals.  As you get to a more advanced stage in your business, you will need a coach that can teach you more advanced strategies.


Do I Need Different Coaches Along the Way?

You are probably wondering if you will need different coaches for your REI business as your expertise grows and your business evolves. The answer is maybe.

Someone that has been investing in real estate for a long time will have a wide range of knowledge and skills, and will most likely be able to take you from your beginner stage to a much more advanced stage. They will be able to help you grow your business for a long time.

However, along the way you may find that you need to add new skills; possibly internet marketing. Or you may have reached the stage in your business where you need to have a bigger web presence.  These may or may not be skills your current coach has.  This is where folks often get into having more than one coach even for a period of time.  The business you have 4 or 5 years down the road, won’t resemble the one you thought you would have the day you began.  It will be so much bigger than you ever imagined if you don’t get discouraged and throw in the towel.


Can I Learn Everything Without a Coach?

This is a valid question.  If you are willing to invest the time, you can probably learn everything on your own.The Savvy Real Estate Investor But here’s the thing; I can promise you it’s going to take a whole lot longer without a coach. In fact I am 100% certain that it will take you years longer.

You can get all of the information at no cost on the internet that you would learn by getting a 4 year college degree. Does that mean you should do that?  No it doesn't.  That is a very unorganized and inefficient way to try to get your education.  Why should your real estate investing business be any different?  Why not choose to be savvy when it comes to your education?


What’s the Best Use of Your Time?

I would like challenge you think about this for just a minute.  How would you like to spend the next 3-5 years of your life? Would you like to spend that time just learning (before earning), or earning while you continue to learn and grow your business?  I’m pretty sure you would like to jump over to the “earning side” of the equation.  You can do that much more quickly if you have a coach.

That’s the concept I would like you to really think about, and I would encourage you to invest in coaching as soon as you can.

What Have You Got to Lose?

Let's work together to create the business of your dreams.

If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about probate investing, specific strategies for building your brand or creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.

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