

Direct mailWhen you ask most folks about direct mail campaigns, there seems to be a lot of confusion on exactly what the essential components are. Getting these wrong can bring you results that are both costly and disappointing.

We have gone over the fact before that you have to mail continuously. That is why it is called a “campaign”. Sending out direct mail pieces is not a one or two time event.

But what are the other important factors in creating a successful direct mail campaign?  Each step of this process is critical to your success.


What Exactly Are the Components of A Direct Mail Campaign?

In this article you will learn:

    • What the 4 major components of a direct mail campaign are
    • The importance of getting clear on who your target audience is
    • Why your message must be tailored to your specific audience and niche
    • Where you can get a list of potentially motivated sellers
    • My best tip for finding someone to fold and stuff your direct mail pieces affordably

Do you use direct mail in your business?  Tell me about your experiences using this marketing strategy.  If you have any juicy tips, I would love to hear those too.


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Continue Reading the rest of this article here……




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