
real estate investing podcast

I have a great show today on how one real estate pro was able to build a successful real estate investing business with just $1200. So how does someone go from selling dump trucks to houses?

My guest is Whitney Nicely from Knoxville, TN. Whitney has purchased dozens of properties in less than 3 years.  Like me, she is also passionate about seeing more women become a successful real estate investor.

If you get one thing from this podcast, it should be that the only limits you have to success are those that live in your mind; your own self-defeating thoughts.  It’s not your gender, your age, or how much education you have. You also don’t need a lot of money to get started.  Learn why we think this is the perfect business for women, and how they can become a successful at real estate investing.

Show notes

    • How Whitney went from the family business of selling dump trucks to becoming a successful at real estate investing
    • Investing in land – her first investing strategy
    • Getting started with $1200
    • How she makes monthly cash flow renting out a driveway
    • Why creative deal structure will allow you to buy more property
    • How she uses lease options to grow her business
    • Moving past the “no’s”
    • Letting people disqualify themselves
    • Marketing
    • Everyone has a worst deal and Whitney is no exception. Here is hers.
    • Whitney’s advice for women who think they can’t be a successful in this business of real estate investing


Here's Your Video – Expert Interview with Whitney Nicely


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About Whitney

Podcast - real estate investingWhitney Nicely went from no investments (or strategies) to 19 houses, 19 apartment units and 7 chunks of land in less than three years all bringing monthly money to her bank account on auto pilot.  She has traveled the United States speaking on stages, teaching her simple strategies, and meeting with other successful real estate investors (and still buying houses the way she teaches others).

She is a wife, a mom, and she has led and trained hundreds of future real estate rock stars to grow their portfolios, collect checks and achieve financial freedom. 100's of real estate newbies are securing leads, signing deals and scaling their dream incomes through the First Deal Done Fast Program.

You can reach out to Whitney at http://whitneynicely.com


If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you can do that here by clicking this link.


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