
Fixer Upper

When you work with a motivated seller that hasn’t been quite “truthful” with you about the condition of the property in the initial telephone call, you can bet you are about to have some challenges ahead of you.

No matter how well you try to screen your calls, there will come a day when you pull up in front of a house and just shake your head.  You will just chalk it up to “getting out of the office for an hour or two” because the property you are looking at will bear no resemblance to the one that was described to you during that initial call.

It will just become one of life’s lessons.

I don’t know if this has ever happened to you or not, but I had to tell someone yesterday that I couldn’t pay them even $500 or $1000 for their house. In fact I had to tell them that they needed to call Habitat for Humanity and see if they could donate the land and get them to tear it down.

Continue reading the rest of this article here.



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