

KriziaI have a dynamite interview for you today that I did recently with my Canadian friend Krizia on “How to Effectively Use Video in Your Real Estate Business”. Krizia aka the fabulous “Miss K” from “Attract More Clients” is a video marketing strategist, a video show host, a speaker and an author. I am definitely one of her biggest fans, and I know that you are going to love her interview and the information she has to share.

I met Krizia last fall at a seminar we both attended in Atlanta. It was apparent right from the beginning that she really knows the ins and outs of using video to grow your business, so I was eager to pick her brain. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of video for your business now. So if you are still trying to get started she has some great tips for you.

Be sure to listen all the way to the end, because Krizia also has a great offer for you that will be hard to pass up.


In this interview we will go over…

  • Why video is so important for your business NOW
  • Important changes in YouTube that are great news for your business
  • How you can use video to grow your business even if you don’t have a blog
  • Easy ways you can “share your properties” with YouTube
  • How you can use video to attract private money and partners
  • Low cost ways to get started without fancy equipment
  • Using video to build your “tribe” or your following without even appearing in the video
  • The value of making short videos focused on a single topic
  • Why it is so much easier to convert clients with video and why you want that connection
  • Why you don’t have to have “Steven Spielberg” quality videos to be successful
  • The first steps you can take TODAY to get started and much, much more


OK. Let's Get Started 


Using Video:

How Can You Learn More From Krizia?

I have a special link for you today that will get you some FREE video training called “11 YouTube Mistakes people make … And How to Avoid Them” I especially like the first tip called the “Drop, Pray and Run Method”.

You can sign up to get those FREE Videos Here.  You will  also be subscribed to her email list so that you receive all of her cutting edge tips every week on using video to attract more clients.  I can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.


Want More?

Krizia has given me a special price today just for my readers for her course “Create Profitable Videos”. It’s a thank you just for listening to this interview. You can grab it today for a deep discount of only $77 by putting in this special code –> SHARON on the “checkout page”. Once you have signed up for the free videos, you will have a chance to purchase the course.


Here’s a just a tiny sample of what can you learn from her course:

  • How to Create Profitable Videos for YOUR business
  • The basics of using video in your business even if you are brand new to video
  • How to leverage video in your business to attract more clients and make more money
  • Video SEO and how to get your videos found online
  • Ways you can share your video
  • And much, much more!

I really hope you enjoyed listening to this interview as much as I did making it. Krizia’s energy is contagious.


If you haven’t already subscribed, be sure to do that today so you don’t miss any of the business building tips I have coming your way. I want 2013 to be your best year ever!  And if you enjoyed this article, please share it.

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