
What is the Perfect Mail Piece

Today's reader Q & A is one that I get quite a bit, and that is “what is the perfect direct mail piece to use in my business”?  My answer is, that depends.

Ultimately the perfect direct mail piece is the one that get's the seller's attention. In the case of a letter, it's definitely the one that get's opened.

If you are using postcards, it's the one that stands out from the crowd.  That has to be your ultimate goal not only with direct mail, but with all of your marketing.

We talked about the direct mail statistics and the importance of consistency and split testing in two previous videos. If you missed those you can check those out here:  Click here for Part 1.  Click here for Part 2. 


Here is Some of What I Cover In this Short Video

  • Is there a perfect direct mail piece?
  • Which mail piece should I use for a specific list or niche?
  • How do I choose a postcard?
  • Why different is better
  • Branding and your direct mail piece; tips for doing that
  • Testing


Here's Your Video for Today



If you want to schedule a 1 on 1 call with me to talk about specific strategies for building your brand and creating more effective marketing for your business, you do that here by clicking this link.


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