
using Asana and DropboxOnce you start working with VA's (virtual assistants), it becomes all about making the process easy. In today's video, I have a great tip for using Asana and Dropbox (which are two of my favorite tools) to make the process a whole lot easier.

Using Asana and Dropbox together works seamlessly. I use Asana to communicate with my virtual assistants, and Dropbox to store files like videos and audios.  The beauty of this is you can now attach files from Dropbox right in Asana.

Here's a really cool thing too; it was one of my VA's originally told me about Asana. It's a perfect collaboration!

Check these out and let me know what you think.


Here's Your Video

What tools do you use in your business to work with VA's?


Creating a List on Listsource

Did you miss this tutorial on how to create a list on Listsource?  You can watch it by clicking here….


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